This collection of albums contains images and their re-visualizations, produced by our prototype software. They illustrate the power and potential of our core algorithms of a deeply generic nature. Hence their benefits may become apparent only to experts in their respective area of application: e.g. imaging technologies, semiconductors, medicine, biology, chemistry or testing and measuring methods.
However, the expertise of specialists can be embedded into structured vocabularies, so that new perspectives can be seen, new details can be measured and new insights can be gained.
The advantages, compared with other software, are as follows:
On the level of generalisation
- * adding value to existing images
- * independence of imaging technology, scale and application
- * multi-dimensional analysis of image elements, single images and series.
A Value Adding Knowledge System
- * visually, metrically and cybernetically
- * a system that learns from its images and users
- * the added visual value allows for the formulation of limits for selection criteria.
Measuring 3D Realities on 2D Screens
- * new qualitative measures at nano level
- * the determination of reference materials on nano scales
- * improving the reliability of instruments through calibration with reference images.
Applications will be the analysis of materials and surfaces, as a non-invasive testing and quality assurance technique. Step-by-step, the image analysis is described as Proprietary Image Metrics.
WELCOME to this presentation of a new instrument of investigation! We look forward to creating your expert system and include your expertise: a “software lens” that will enable you to see more details and measure with “pixel accuracy”!
Please register as a user, if you’d like to look into more albums or email sabine.mcneill at
Prof. Dr. Miroslaw Malek, Professor and Chair of Computer Architecture and Communication at the Humboldt University in Berlin, writes: “spectacular images”. More on