
Partnerships have mostly been formed through applying for funding, e.g. from the London Development Agency, the Wellcome Trust and, most recently, the Scientific and Technology Facilities Council, besides attending numerous events. The network that emerged in the process is described on my blog.

One of the earliest supporters was Prof. Algirdas Pakstas from the London Metropolitan University. Responsible for mathematics and computing, he could see the value of my prototype software instantly. Together, we are now applying for a Rapid Innovation Grant from the Joint Information Systems Committee.

Prof. Pankaj Vadgama from Queen Mary’s University in London has long been my ‘cheerleader’, before he became co-applicant to the Wellcome Trust to differentiate cell types with my ‘software vision’.

The most recent addition is Prof. Steve Lloyd from Queen Mary’s University who will champion our application to the Science and Technology Facilities Council, to use Grid technology, the hardware infrastructure that was invented for particle physics, for life sciences, by differentiating cell types using Grid technology.

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